Join me on my [occasionally posted] adventures in Breastfeeding, and anecdotes about the trials, tribulations and treasures of having a newborn!
**Warning: I am more cussery and irreverent on this blog!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Level Up!

Today we gained Baby +1! She not only outgrew the preemie-sized diapers (finally! She was never technically within their 'up to 5 lbs' weight, but has still been wearing them for 3 weeks!) but she also now needs more formula after nursing. [Or more frequent feedings... F*ck that!]

So here were her stats previously:
STR: 1
STA: 1
DEX: 1
INT: 1
WIS: 1
CHA: 15
Skills: Eating: 5, Pooping: 20, Sleeping: 20, Burping: 5, Peeing on Mommy: 5
Now that she's leveled up:
STR: 1
STA: 2 (This reflects her ability to slam back more food in a sitting)
DEX: 1
WIS: 1
CHA: 18 (Either she's cuter now, or my total apathy due to crazy hormones and sleep deprivation has gone away. Or both.)
Skills: Eating: 10, Pooping: 20, Sleeping: 15, Burping: 15, Peeing/Pooping/Projectile Spitting-Up on Mommy: 15
Baby +1